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සිංහල ජාවා පාඩම 03 - Sinhala Java Tutorial 03 - Variables and Identifiers


All the java components need a name in order to identify it. So "class, variable, methods need names. In java these names called as identifiers. When we are creating identifier we should consider about below rules.

So that we can create identifiers like "BigLongStringName", "DogColorRed", "$Int", "bytes", "$i", "_finalist", "Float". And we can't create identifiers like "DogColor Red"(contain space), "1$Int"(Contain numbers in first).


Variables are using to assign values in the programs. Data Types, Variable name and values are all need to make variables. Variable name can be any identifier.

Variables are stored in memory (Ram) when program get executed. Ram space has allocated for different programs.

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